Test Test o_O

Well ,many happen among this day ,this year exatly . i just can't figure out, what happening to me .
i almost forget , try to make anything become simple and there's nothing .
But im not an actress , try to acting like " i'm Okay ,what about u ? " that's sucks !!! "i just ordinary people . eat food ,take a bath , have scars , i had disease , reckless ,there people love me and nothing .

Well to like them if consider (thank you) , but beside anyting . i need and very addicted to say that . even what they say bout me . exmp is a Good Girl ,Bad Girl ,Hypocrite , Sanctimonious , and whatever it . i still have one person that i adore and Hate .
appreciate them is a bad thing ,but nothing is same thing .make me drowning and many many more .

i hate respect for someone who doesn't deserve to it .

to be continue . (Hope u understand ,im a hard worker even 19 years old )
honestly i writing with my PC at office .hahahahhahahahaha :D

Oh yeeahh i have twins and named Donna Brigitha Mawikere . Still falling in Love and have a Broken . Still Human being :) :)

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